With extensive experience in the building services sector, we are able to offer a customised consultancy service to meet each client’s specific needs and aspirations.
Our extensive offering includes:
- Early engagement with stakeholders and clients to ascertain and prepare the project brief feasibility and options studies
- Comprehensive MEP condition surveys
- Management of utility connections and diversions
- Preparation of drawings and specifications for all aspects of building services
- Specialist security design advice
- Design and management of Smart Building technologies including ICT networks
- Sustainability and low carbon advice, including renewable technologies
- Quality assurance reviews of contractor designs to ensure compliance and cost effectiveness
- Management of the tender process
- Installation and contractual compliance audits
- Snagging and system witness testing
- Preparation and/or review of O&Ms
- BSRIA softlandings management
- Preparation, procurement and management of maintenance contracts including planned and preventative strategies
- Post occupancy evaluations
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DSA Consultants | Company Registration No. 09254575
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